WTH Extra!
Dany Meets The President of Iran! Marc and Dany Discuss



In this episode of WTH Extra! Dany and Marc discuss Dany’s article in the WTH Substack, #WTH Meet the President of Iran. Amid the Israeli campaign against Hezbollah leadership, munitions, and anything a Hezbolahi has ever touched, Dany went to New York to meet with the president of Hezbollah’s financier and personal trainer, Iran. Sitting in a room with an odd group of Iranian regime fanboys and some serious people, Dany noticed something interesting: The claims coming from Iran’s president sound an awful lot like what we often hear on college campuses, read in major American news outlets, and see pushed by Western Middle East “experts.” What has happened to the world that Iran can play the victim and not be laughed off the stage? You know the answer to that.